Today in Black History: May 8, 1925 Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters was founded
Founded in by A. Philip Randolph in 1925, The Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters (BSCP) was the first labor organization led by African Americans to receive a charter in the American Federation of Labor (AFL). The BSCP gathered a membership of 18,000 passenger railway workers across Canada, The United States and Mexico.

Today in Black History: May 7, 1845 The First Registered Black Nurse was Born...
Mary Eliza Mahoney, the first Registered African American Nurse was born to Charles and Mary Jane Sterwart Mahoney. Mary Eliza graduated from the New England Hospital for Women and Children in 1879, being one of four graduates out a class of 42.

Black Women: If You Had 1000 Black Men, Ready & Willing What Would You Have Them Do?
During the Annual BAM Dance Africa Festival, Jashua Sa-Ra set out to ask our community's Black Women what would they ask of their Men! We often talk about the problems we face as a community and the things that hold us back, however, have you ever thought about what you want to accomplish once we have unity. That was the goal of this single question.
Shockingly, the foundation of continued injustice lies beneath the very entity that one would believe would render nothing but equity- the United States Supreme Court. While most citizens pay close attention to the Executive and Legislative branches, the Judicial branch has been left unnoticed, to the consistent peril of black people.

Hip-Hop Gets Back One of Its Most Beloved Sons! Yasiin Bey (Mos Def)
Mos Def pulled up to Hot 97 to chat with Old Man Ebro and the rest of his morning show crew to chop it up. Yasiin speaks vaguely about his travels, which he hints he will go more in depth at a later time. He talks about the state of the Union and how America is looking from the perspective of foreign nations.