March 2018 Tarot Readings
Aries March 2018
Aries March 2018
7 of Wands/ 5 of Swords reversed/ The Empress
7 of Wands/ 5 of Swords reversed/ The Empress
Please know that you have overcome many of your obstacles. The 7 of Wands shows that you may still be battling with some things whether it be internally or externally. You feel this need to keep vigorously fighting and that could be because you have been feeling and fighting like this for so long that it has become a habit. What you don’t see is that you are almost at an end to your struggle(s), which gives this feeling that it might be quite possible that you can slow down and let up on yourself a bit. The 5 of Swords reversed shows that you might be going down memory lane, remembering the things or situations that came up in your past that weren’t ideal. Arguments with friends and family members, petty fights, could even be internal fights of doubts and fears. You could also be dealing with people, now, that have been talking about you behind your back. All of this is being brought up because you will have to deal with it. You will have to really think things through and pick out what you have learned from it all. Pick out the good parts that came from the bad parts because it is time to move on. The Empress is showing up to say Love Yourself. She wants you to understand you and the value of what loving yourself can do. The Empress with the 7 of wands reversed shows that you can rise above all of the pettiness and things that have been holding you back. The reminiscing on things that have happened and people that have hurt you are all a part of your past now and you must come to understand that. Projects, either starting them up or pushing them along, could be blossoming this month, as well as some of you could be pregnant and/or giving birth, or starting new chapters in your life. All in all, this is the month where you remember Love, what love felt like, and what it meant to you. Do get out and get into some nature. Help out in a garden, take some walks through nature (on beaches, around trees/greenery.) This will help you remember the Goddess/ God within you, after all, the Empress is about love for self and for others but she is no fool. She does know when to give it, when to take it away, and when someone doesn’t deserve it. She’s stingy when she needs to be. Those people left in the background, leave them there. They’re no good for you, where you are going.
Taurus March 2018
Taurus March 2018
7 of Swords reversed/ Ace of Swords/ 2 of Swords
This month, you have all Swords cards which mean this can all be mental or legal. Seems you have decided to leave a situation alone according to the 7 of Swords reversed. You felt it was smarter to move away from a situation and/or people who meant you no good. There is this energy of people taking advantage of you. Is that what it was, Taurus? Maybe it was to get away from some bullies (because even as adults, people can still bully others,) or a deal/contract/project/something legal wasn’t looking right and you felt you were up against a wall when it came to the people you were dealing with, so you decided to move on. It wasn’t easy letting go of something you have created/invested in but you felt it was the best move to make to save you. The message for March is for you to keep your wits about you. Your situation may not be over and done with just yet. I see, from the 2 of Swords card, that you have been heavily guarded. You may not have made any moves as of yet because you are waiting to see what will happen next. I can tell that you sense that something is coming so you are trying to arm yourself with as much knowledge (legal or other) as you can in order to be prepared to defend yourself the right way when and if anything ever does pop up out of the blue. The Ace of Swords shows a victory, new ideas springing up, new opportunities, and possible new partnerships coming your way. It also shows the clarity that you are gaining with every moment that you sit in your thoughts and with your spirit/God. Your intuition is on point at this moment. I’m still getting that your situation is not over so be sure to use your intuition to help you see past what is being presented in front of you and move past the BS hopefully unscathed. The Ace of swords recommends that method as well. Be safe, my loves.
Gemini March 2018
The World reversed/ The Emperor reversed/ 7 of Swords
Gemini March 2018
The World reversed/ The Emperor reversed/ 7 of Swords
It looks like you are having an issue with control or, lack thereof. Some business deal or situation has not worked out in your favor and it has you pissed off, according to the Emperor reversed. This has caused your world to go topsy turvy, or at least this is how you are now perceiving it, says the World card reversed. What you invested in, whether it be time, money, effort, hard work, you were banking on it to come through 100% for you, and now that it hasn’t, some of you may have been being very mean, taking out your frustrations on others, according to the 7 of swords. The 7 of swords is also saying that because of this meanness and not getting what you wanted, that you are stealing your own joy away from yourself. March is the month where you find balance with your disappointments and your disdain with yourself and your lack of power & control that you currently feel. You have to know that even though your world may feel or look upside down, that it actually is not. The World card may be reversed but it is still giving off good vibes. It tells that great things are on the horizon for you. This is the time to look back on your circumstances and give thanks to what did not come into fruition because it wasn’t time, and what you wanted wasn’t ready for you. There is more to come. Be thankful. Don’t block your blessings by thinking about what didn’t make it and stop being so mean to others. That blocks your blessings too.
Cancer March 2018
6 of Swords/ 10 of Pentacles/ Queen of Pentacles
Cancer March 2018
6 of Swords/ 10 of Pentacles/ Queen of Pentacles
So Cancer, you have decided to move away from something that has been holding you back in hopes of not only seeing, envisioning, dreaming of the bigger picture, but actually grabbing onto the bigger picture? The 6 of Swords is telling that even though, emotionally, you may not be done with whatever you were previously battling with, you have decided to put it on the back burner indefinitely and to move forward. There is something out there for you and not only can you feel it, but you KNOW that this is for your betterment. You may even be moving physically, for a better job/ paycheck, or for a better living situation, according to the 10 of Pentacles. This month, you are The Queen of Pentacles. You hold in your hands the world in which you wish to see and create. You know that hard work is needed in order to obtain all that you may want. One thing about the Queen of Pentacles is that not only does she love the lap of luxury and to be grandiose, but she also knows what hard work is and looks like, and she didn’t obtain all that she has, all that surrounds her without getting her hands dirty. And she also has that one thing that drives her, Love. Love for herself and knowing that she deserves the best, love for her family, and love for comfort and luxury. She is fruitful and abundant and takes very well care of herself and those she love, whether it people or things. What you are doing, Cancer, is taking a very good look at your life and implementing what you want to have in it. Not just something stable but something substantial and with nothing but the best surrounding you and your family. And so, you put the important things first and this is why you have decided to leave certain things alone for the time being. Because there is a bigger picture that you have to go and get and you have already begun creating the world that you want. The 10 of Pentacles is a card of accomplishment, love, family, tradition, celebration, generational wealth, money, and comfort. It is also the ending of a certain cycle. These are the things you want and are working hard on to have. You are on the right track, dear Cancer. Keep putting in the work. You will attain what you desire.
Leo March 2018
5 of Cups/ 3 of Wands/ 2 of Swords
Leo March 2018
5 of Cups/ 3 of Wands/ 2 of Swords
You are trying to get back something that you feel you have lost within yourself. There is some sadness/ lose that you have been dealing with for what feels like a few years (for some,) that you haven’t been able to get out of or look away from, says the % of Cups. It’s more than just the simple, “Crying over spilled milk” bit that I usually associate this card with. It’s deep rooted pain that a lot of you have not opened up about. You could be going over it in your head, over and over again, trying to understand where you went wrong or what went wrong if you had no control or handle in it. You are trying to move ahead in life but may be feeling stuck or stagnant. You are also looking for a way out of your misery. Your emotions are tied to your mind which is affecting your inability to move forward. Your sadness/pain/hurt/sorrow/misery is what is keeping you from moving forward on a fresh new start with clarity and clearance. This month, you will have to sit with your issues in order to really gain clarity, according to the 2 of Swords. In order to move onward, you must first clear out whatever you have not faced and owned up to. Block out all of the noise and distractions and sit within yourself (listen to your higher self.) You have to not only feel your pain but, look at it and see why you have been in pain. What’s the reason? What’s at the root? You being stuck is of your own doing and to your own detriment. What you have lost is that solar plexus energy. That fiery, action oriented energy that you have always used to get you and keep you moving forward. It’s also that intuitive knowing. You just knew where you were going and what you were doing and now you just feel a void. It’s not that you don’t know, it’s that you don’t feel that “knowing” anymore. Well, to get that “knowing” back, you’re going to have to sit in that void. Dive into it and come face to face with those challenges. This will take time so do not look for it to be completed in March, alone. Once you come to some understanding then the next thing will be to make the decisions on if you are going to stay in this detriment or move on. Your clear path is out there, you just aren’t ready for it, yet. Clear out the muck first and your intuition, clear path, and that knowing of what to do next ,and when to do it, will open right up for you.
Virgo March 2018
5 of Wands/ The Moon reversed/ King of Pentacles
Virgo March 2018
5 of Wands/ The Moon reversed/ King of Pentacles
Dear sweet Virgo, don’t let NO ONE take you off of your throne! These cards are giving me all types of illusionary teas, honey. It looks like people or situations have been coming at you that just don’t look right. The 5 of wands is giving me illusions. If you look at the 5 of wands card, its 5 people holding and wielding wands or staves if you will, and at first glance it looks like they are engaged in some type of combat, but if you look closer you will see that they aren’t engaged in any type of fight/combat at all. What it really shows is them standing around holding up there staves, showing them off and possibly their muscles too. There is no fight here. It’s a contest. If this is what is going on with you, people and situations looking like they are threats, please know that they are not and people just want to get you all roiled to confuse you and take you off of your mark. This is where you remember your royal status, says the King of Pentacles. What you worked hard for and continue to do so, where you remember where you came from and how far you have come to be where you are and get what you have worked for. It seems like people/situations want to take you out of your element because, let’s just be honest, with a person who is grounded in their own garden, within themselves, it is very hard to move such a person to do what you want them to do. The Moon reversed is telling me that you have been dreaming a lot lately. So much so, that even those are becoming confusing. Your dreams are trying to tell you something or some things but you’re so frazzled that you can’t even make out/ interpret what is really going on or being shown to you. It could even be the case where the 5 of wands is not other people trying to confuse you but you confusing yourself and becoming frustrated to the point where you don’t know what to do next. The King of Pentacles is a man of balance. He knows that slow and steady wins the race, and this is your pace. This month of March is for you to remember who you are and that you are fruitful and abundant in many ways. You are very resourceful and can get through anything if you just take your time and pay attention to everything. See where things are out of balance within you and/or around you and begin to correct those imbalances. Most importantly, let your dreams guide you. There are some truths that need to be seen, told, and taken in. There are some truths about yourself that you are not trying to open up to see. By blocking the truth, you hinder yourself from growing and evolving and ultimately receiving your blessings. Don’t let the petty get you down and don’t be afraid to see what those truths are whether it’s about you, other people, or situations, and no matter whether it’s good or bad. Also, I keep hearing, “Let Go.” So maybe you need to let go of some things as well. Don’t be afraid to do that either.
Libra March 2018
2 of Cups reversed/ The Lovers/ 8 of Cups reversed
Libra March 2018
2 of Cups reversed/ The Lovers/ 8 of Cups reversed
This is all about love. You want something real. No fluff. For some of you, you are trying to figure out if you should stay in the relationship that you are in or if it is time to go. For others, you have already left but maybe feeling like you may have made the wrong decision or may have been too hasty in your decision to go. The 2 of cups reversed shows that if you are currently in a relationship, something is not going right. You 2 are not on the same page. Somewhere, wires got crossed. One person wants one thing, the other wants another, and there are clear miscommunications there. For others, this relationship has ended but not without feelings getting hurt and feeling disappointed. The 8 of Cups reversed shows that for those of you who have ended a relationship, some of you may just be thinking about going back. You really don’t know what to do. Your heart wants one thing but you are telling yourself what you should be doing logically. This is why the Lovers card is here. It is telling you to quiet your mind and get in tune with your spirit. Your heart wants what it wants but you need to know what will be best for you, mind, heart, and soul. You will have to make a decision regarding love. The Lovers card wants you to sit back and really put some real thought into your situations. Listen to yourself, what you want and need but also take into account the other persons wants and needs. See if they match up, if some compromise can be made. To see if things can be repaired or not. Do this with both, if you are trying to make a relationship work, or if you have let a relationship go. You have to be real and practical when it comes to living life in love with a partner. Not everything is going to be all peachy king, ice cream, sunshine & cherry pie all of the time, and real relationships are not all about what you have fantasized. Love is sweet but it can be even better when both parties are happy and understood in it. If not, then reevaluate why you walked away anyway. No one deserves to be unhappy in love. Not even you.
Scorpio March 2018
Judgment/ 7 of Pentacles reversed/ 2 of Pentacles reversed
Scorpio March 2018
Judgment/ 7 of Pentacles reversed/ 2 of Pentacles reversed
Where have you been putting your time, money, and energy towards, Scorpio?? You are being called reevaluate your finances. Lately you might have been spending too much. Some of you might have been gambling your money away. Others have been being very lazy when it comes to doing the work necessary to ensure your income comes in right. Judgment is calling for you to WAKE UP! To see the struggles that you may be putting you and your families through by not doing your job. The Universe wants you to get it together before it has to smack you into reality with some hard truths about yourself and your lack of movement. 7 of Pentacles shows that many of you have been sitting on your butts not doing anything but waiting for something lucrative to fall into your laps. Others of you have been literally giving your money away as if it grows on trees. Irresponsibly, spending outside of your means. There is no gain without work. You can pray for better finances all you want to but the Universe will not bless you with what you ask for until it you match your prayers with effort. Energy for energy. You have been very lazy and the universe recognizes that. 2 of Pentacles reversed shows that you have been slacking on even making decisions. Remember that no decision is still a decision. In this case, it’s just not one that will help you out on the long run. Being lazy with your body is one thing. Being lazy with your mind is another. You are being lazy with both. There may be some depression somewhere in here with some of you but for many, it’s just lack of self motivation and pure dee laziness. March is your wake up call. We go right into the Aries energy March 21st, which is about action, movement, hard work, fast, hot energy, so if you haven’t started working yet, you will get that kick in your tush. But if you haven’t been working, it might end up being harder to begin working and may even be frustrating and a bit discouraging that you have to do all of this work because you did not have something set up prior. Either way, figure out what you need to do and do it. Nothing worth wild is worth having if you did not work hard for it. GET UP!
Sagittarius March 2018
3 of Cups/ 4 of Wands/ King of Swords
Sagittarius March 2018
3 of Cups/ 4 of Wands/ King of Swords
(Singing) *Something is on your mind, SAAAGGGGGG….*
The King of Swords gives off a very serious tone. What are you being serious about Sag? Could what is on your mind be about your happiness? Home, stability, marriage, babies, celebrations? Just like zodiac sign, Cancer, you want a certain life but unlike Cancer, you are not working in the physical. It is still all in your mind. You are trying to figure out what it is that you want and what happiness looks like to you. You are not so confused on which way to go, so much, but more confused on what to do. The King of Swords is calculated and meticulous, structured and very careful with his words and ways. Might even be a bit paranoid and may over think at times because the king is not quick to share his thoughts before thinking out every scenario to a T. Making a move, sighting a plan, signing a document, all out of fear of making a wrong move or doing the wrong thing, the King of Swords think things through. The King is not like the Queen of Swords where, when she makes a declaration, she means it and when she says “Off with his head!” , you better do it or your head will be cut off too. She’s quick with her decisions but the King is not. He weighs every option before executing, and why shouldn’t he? He has a kingdom to run, after all. So his crown weighs heavy. Has your head been heavy lately, Sag? Let’s explore why. I don’t think you are truly happy. This is the reason for the heavy, serious thinking. Things have changed. Something has changed. You no longer want what you once had and that you were used to. The partying, drinking, meeting up with people to do frivolous things, that was all fun and will forever be cherished but now, it is time to rethink the importance of those things, weighing it next to what is also of importance in your life which is your family and what is next to come in your life. “Where am I going?” “What am I doing?” is what you have been asking yourself. There is a shift happening with and for you, Sag. Your priorities have and are shifting. This is why you are thinking so much. This is a good thing, though. This March, you will explore your subconscious to find grounding and peace with this shifting. If your main focus wasn’t on family, it will be. You want stability. A stability that brings a certain type of joy to your core. You want celebrations of true meaning. Weddings, baby showers, business openings, and family and close friends’ birthday parties. This is where your happiness is trying to get you focused on. You want happiness with more substance and you will get it. Just, in this time of shifting and changes of thoughts, be gentle with yourself. All of this is a lot to process and can be very stressful. Every now and then take time to pull away from your heavy thoughts and have a bath, or take a breath. It will help you out in the long run, Sag. Everything is going to be ok.
Capricorn March 2018
Page of Cups reversed/ The Empress/ Queen of Pentacles reversed
Capricorn March 2018
Page of Cups reversed/ The Empress/ Queen of Pentacles reversed
There is someone coming in with an offer thatyou might not feel is good enough for you, sp you might just refuse it or you could possibly be receiving not so good news. For the most part, it seems that you, Capricorn, might be sitting pretty feeling yourself this month, according to the Empress card. With the page of cups and the Queens of Pentacles being reversed, it looks like you will not be taking anything that you deem to be of lesser value than what you are used to, from anyone. However, the Queen of Pentacles reversed says that even though you may be sitting pretty and feeling high level thangs, you may want to take it down a notch this month and focus on your finances. Check yourself and your bank account on all of the extra spending you have been doing. You’re still Queen/King on your thrown that’ll be down for almost whatever but life is about flowing and you may have been flowing a little too much to the point of drainage. This is also linking to depression for some of you. The reason you spend is to help you to try to alleviate the things that you are stressing about, but it is coming up unhealthily. You will have to pull away and deal with your sadness. Actually, sit in it this month and cry your tears. It’s a way to release and heal. The page of Cups is showing that someone may be coming in with an offer. It could be an offer of love, or of some type of opportunity. Either way, you will feel like it is not worth your time, from the way this Empress vibing out. It seems you will decline this offer without a second thought. If you are pregnant, get a check up and try to remain as relaxed as you can. I’m hearing the words, “Bed Rest,” so for some of you, you will need major bed rest or just rest, period. Women, check on your vaginas, men, check on your penii, all Capricorns, check your ego’s at the door, and check in on yourselves, your mental health, and why you feel the way that you do, then get back to grinding and Queening and /Kinging it out.
Aquarius March 2018
The Hierophant/ Justice reversed/ 5 of Swords reversed/ The Lovers reversed
Aquarius March 2018
The Hierophant/ Justice reversed/ 5 of Swords reversed/ The Lovers reversed
As situations and relationships have gone out of wack and ultimately out of your control, you have decided to go within and balance yourself with God to help you cope and function with what you cannot change on your own, instead of trying to fix things yourself. You know that there is nothing that you can do. It’s like this Aquarius, You are The Hierophant, and to save you more heartache and confusion, you have taken a step back from your life and have decided to view it as if it were a movie. You see the conflicts that haven’t gone right between you and others (5 of swords reversed), and you see the love that you once shared with someone go awry but can’t do anything about it. Things have been torn apart and/or flipped upside down (The Lovers reversed) and again, you have no control over it. You want to make a decision on what to do next and how to move in order to ensure that you don’t get hurt but you don’t know how, you really have no solution to any of what is going on, and is forced to just sit back and watch everything go down without even having a say in it (Justice reversed). Truthfully, you’re stumped. This seems more like relationships that you are dealing with more than business, but it can be either, or, or both. The 5 of swords shows the drama between you and another or others. It speaks of you being betrayed, lied to, walked away from, feelings not being reciprocated, not being listened to, neglected, and hurt. This could have recently happened, about a few months ago it began, or it has been happening for a while but it was little stuff that just kept building up until it reached a boiling point and everything blew up. I can feel your hurt, Aquarius. The Lovers card revered shows your pain but it also highlights your confusion. I’m hearing, “But, what about me? What happened? Wha…?” You keep telling yourself you don’t know what happened which is more like, when did the switch happen? But I think you know deep down inside when all of this started. It was that first small thing that you chose to ignore. It began there. Fast forward to now and the situation has gotten so bad that it is now out of your hands and you don’t know what to do, yet you still fight for something hoping that it will still work out for the best. Justice reversed shows that the Universe has taken over from here and you know it. There is nothing else that can be done to rectify the situation and get this part of your life right side up again, so you reluctantly hold your hands up and surrender this situation to the Universe without saying a word. That brings you back to you as the “Hierophant. Watching and waiting for guidance from the Universe as you consult with your higher self and/or counsel to keep you centered and grounded. Honestly, this one can go either way. I can’t even foresee what is to come. It’s all just a waiting game for the month of March but this can be a good thing. You get to take your time and evaluate everything that comes your way that way when it does come time to make a decision you can do so without second guessing. Use this time to your advantage. Let’s see what will happen in April.
Pisces March 2018
King of Wands reversed/ The Star reversed/ Knight of Cups
Dreams deferred? Or so you think, Pisces. Lack of ambition, Lack of confidence, something not coming through that you were counting on…these are some of the things that you may be feeling, dear Pisces. The star card reversed shows that something that you have put so much emphasis on didn’t pan out right for you. It may be the case that you dreamt too hard on what you thought it was going to be and did not take into account the realities of what was happening and what could possibly happen. The King of Wands reverse shows your disappointment. You may feel like you didn’t do something right and it looks like it may have temporarily paralyzed you, creatively. You really did not think that you weren’t going to get what you went out for or didn't think that this would project fall through. It really hit you hard to the point where you maybe second guessing yourself, your talents, and your creativity. The thing is, this project/situation wasn't meant to turn out the way you wanted it to. It was meant for you to start it, complete it, and then torpedo it out into the Universe. The Universe would then change the scenario for your highest good and better positioning and then send it right back to you for you to continue moving forward. If you feel like you did something wrong, you didn't. You were just holding on to this idea of what you wanted it to be and how you thought it was going to turn out, and forgot that you make a plan and God makes a plan. Do not fret, Pisces, there will be offers coming in, probably from places and people unknown, according to the Knight of Cups. These will be good offers but keep your discernment. Offers are great but some be more fluff than fabulosity. Things have changed, the question is, what are you going to do about it on your end?
Pisces March 2018
King of Wands reversed/ The Star reversed/ Knight of Cups
If this is about love, again, be discerning about the offers coming your way and if need be, pull away to get yourself and confidence together before moving forward with anybody. There is someone coming in with an offer of love but if you are uninspired, not confident within yourself, and unmotivated, you can potentially make a wrong decision off of the potential and fluff that someone is presenting to you because you just want to be loved, instead of looking at who they really are and what they are really presenting to you, and end up picking someone who you will lose yourself, with and he may walk away. No one is worth you losing yourself over.