Super Blue Blood Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Leo
KItabah’s IG ( @krowned_kitabah)
This Super Blue Blood Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Leo is bad ass. If you have been feeling your feels extra hard then you have been getting hit by this moon energy. This energy is to last for 6 months to about 1 year. A lot of shedding. A lot of letting go. A lot of stepping into who you are and being lit up from the inside, out like Leo's ruler, The Sun. Eclipses are said to bring about major change in ones life. The Moon itself is about secrets. What lies underneath the blanket of night (the unknown) that we do not see but may be able to sense, and yet we have to find our way through said night with only the illumination of light from the moon guiding us.
This tarot reading is to bring to light the overall message of what this rare event will mean for the collective. In this tarot pull, out comes the 9 of wands, the 7 of swords, and the 9 of cups. Wands are about action and passion. Swords are about words and thoughts, and cups are emotions and intuition, in the deck of tarot. The 9 of wands is what many call the wounded warrior card because, when looking at this card, you can see a man whose head is wrapped in a bandage, who looks tired but is still standing guard ready to fight when need be. This is what let's me know that for quite some time now (for many it may have been years) you have been fighting battles, both internally and externally, that have been draining you like no other and although you will put up even more of a fight just to protect you and what you hold dear to you, you are ready to let go and rest. The 7 of swords is one of the sneaky cards. Here you see a man tip toeing away with as many swords as he can carry, looking behind him to make sure he doesn't get caught. He looks as suspicious as they come. This is what let's me know that people or thoughts have been getting away with taking from you without giving anything back in return. With taking advantage of you, there is no replenshing, here. However, the 9 on cups is about replenishing, but it's you replenishing yourself. This is one of the wish cards in my opinion (the star card is another wish card but we'll get to that at another time). If you take a look at this card, you will see a man sitting upright facing you with his arms crossed over his chest, and with a big smile on his face showcasing his happiness, with 9 cups standing upright behind him. But when you take a closer look, his posture and smile indicates that there is more to his demeanor than meets the eye. It looks more like he is happy within himself and that his confidence level is at an all time high, and that is something that no one can take from him. This is what tells me that you will no longer be taking anyones BS and gone are the days of allowing other people or things taking from you what they will not be giving back. This is where you begin to put your foot down and start create that magical word, BOUNADRIES, for yourself. Do remember that these changes will take time for you to develope and grow with and from. This will not be an overnight thing. But isn't it wonderful to know that these changes are happening for your growth and highest good? Want to know more of what this bad ass moon juju has in store for the collective? Take a listen...
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