

A Different World: HBCU College Tour 2024 (Behind The Scenes)

A Different World: HBCU College Tour 2024 (Behind The Scenes)

The beloved cast of the critically acclaimed television show of the late 80s and early 90's A Different World stopped by Atlanta University Center home of the illustrious HBCUs Clark Atlanta University, Morehouse College, and Spelman University to talk to auditoriums of students.

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"WHAT'S YOUR PART IN THE REVOLUTION?": Phil Moore's Journey with "A New Green Book"

"WHAT'S YOUR PART IN THE REVOLUTION?": Phil Moore's Journey with "A New Green Book"

I had the opportunity to chat it up with Phil following the finale of the series about the origins of the show and what was the motivation behind curating content such as this. As I was blessed to be a part of the Atlanta leg of this production I was afforded the opportunity to experience Atlanta's Blackness in an immersive way. That was due to Phil's vision for the show, as the "Branded Development Lead" at Tastemade a position that he pretty much created and "fought for" was one of the determining factors for this show's genesis.

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